Now Next Later

Understanding Now Next Later Roadmap Strategy: How to Map Your Success

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Now Next Later Roadmap – In the fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, strategic planning is crucial for success.

The Now Next Later roadmap is a powerful tool that helps organizations prioritize and visualize their initiatives over different time horizons.

In this blog post, JonakyBlog will explore the concept of the Now Next Later roadmap, its benefits, and how to effectively implement it to achieve your business objectives.

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What is the Now Next Later Roadmap?

The Now Next Later roadmap is a strategic planning framework that categorizes initiatives based on their priority and timeline.

It helps businesses organize their short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals in a clear and actionable manner.

By dividing initiatives into three distinct phases, organizations can focus on immediate needs while also laying the groundwork for future growth.

Benefits of the Now Next Later Roadmap

1. Clarity and Focus

The Now Next Later roadmap provides a clear visual representation of the company’s strategic priorities.

This clarity ensures that all team members are aligned and focused on achieving the most critical objectives.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability

In a rapidly changing business environment, flexibility is essential.

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The Now Next Later roadmap allows organizations to adapt quickly to market shifts and make strategic adjustments as needed.

3. Effective Resource Allocation

By categorizing initiatives into short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals, businesses can allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that immediate needs are met without compromising future growth.

4. Improved Communication

The Now Next Later roadmap facilitates communication within the organization by providing a shared understanding of the strategic direction and priorities.

It ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

Implementing the Now Next Later Roadmap

1. Identify Strategic Goals

Start by identifying the key strategic goals of your organization.

These goals should align with the company’s vision and mission and be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Categorize Initiatives

Divide your initiatives into three categories: Now, Next, and Later.

The “Now” category includes projects and tasks that require immediate attention and have a short timeline.

The “Next” category includes mid-term initiatives that contribute to long-term goals.

The “Later” category encompasses long-term, visionary projects that lay the groundwork for future growth.

3. Prioritize Initiatives

Within each category, prioritize initiatives based on their importance and potential impact on the company’s success.

Consider factors such as market demand, resource availability, and business objectives when assigning priorities.

4. Create a Visual Roadmap

Utilize a visual representation, such as a Gantt chart or Kanban board, to present your Now Next Later roadmap.

Visualizing the roadmap makes it easier for team members to understand and engage with the strategic plan.

5. Review and Update Regularly

The business landscape is dynamic, and priorities may change over time.

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Regularly review and update the Now Next Later roadmap to ensure that it remains relevant and aligned with the organization’s evolving needs.


The Now Next Later roadmap is a powerful strategic planning framework that enables organizations to prioritize their initiatives effectively and align their efforts towards achieving their vision.

By categorizing initiatives into short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals, businesses can optimize resource allocation, maintain flexibility, and adapt to market changes.

Implement the Now Next Later roadmap in your organization to drive clarity, focus, and collaboration among your teams.

Embrace this dynamic approach to strategic planning and position your business for success in a rapidly evolving marketplace.