Android Webview Adds HTTPS

[Code] Android Webview Adds HTTPS: How to Enable HTTPS in Android WebView for Secure Web Browsing

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Android Webview Adds HTTPS – Android WebView is a powerful component that allows developers to embed web content within their Android applications.

By default, WebView in Android does not automatically add the “https://” prefix to URLs, which can result in unsecured connections when loading web pages.

In this blog post, JonakyBlog will explore how to enable HTTPS in Android WebView to ensure secure web browsing within your app.

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By implementing this feature, you can protect user data and provide a safer browsing experience. Let’s dive in!

How to Enable HTTPS in Android WebView for Secure Web Browsing

Step 1: Configure WebView Settings – Android Webview Adds HTTPS

To enable HTTPS in Android WebView, you need to configure the WebView settings appropriately. Here’s how:

#1. Retrieve the WebView instance in your activity or fragment:

WebView webView = findViewById(;

#2. Enable JavaScript (if required) to ensure proper rendering of web pages:


#3. Enable mixed content mode to allow loading of both secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) content:


#4. Enable third-party cookies if your web page requires them:

CookieManager.getInstance().setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(webView, true);

Step 2: Handle URL Loading – Android Webview Adds HTTPS

To ensure that URLs are loaded with the “https://” prefix, you need to modify the loading mechanism. Here’s how:

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#1. Create a WebViewClient instance and override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method:

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {


    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) {

        String url = request.getUrl().toString();

        if (!url.startsWith("https://")) {

            url = "https://" + url;



        return true;



The `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` method intercepts the URL loading request and checks if the URL starts with “https://”. If it doesn’t, it prefixes the URL with “https://” and loads the modified URL in the WebView.

Step 3: Test and Verify – Android Webview Adds HTTPS

With the above configuration, your WebView should now automatically add the “https://” prefix to URLs before loading them.

Test your application by loading various web pages and verifying that they are secured with HTTPS.

Monitor the network traffic using tools like Charles Proxy or Wireshark to ensure that all connections are encrypted.

Conclusion – Android Webview Adds HTTPS

Enabling HTTPS in Android WebView is a crucial step in ensuring secure web browsing within your application.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can configure your WebView to automatically add the “https://” prefix to URLs, thereby promoting a safer browsing experience for your users.

Remember to test your implementation thoroughly and stay up-to-date with security best practices to protect user data and maintain the integrity of your app. Enjoy building secure and user-friendly web experiences on Android!