How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

[Revealed] How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming: The Perfect Blend

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How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming – As a gaming enthusiast, you’ve probably found yourself torn between the desire to watch YouTube videos and the passion to immerse yourself in your favorite games.

What if we told you that you could have the best of both worlds? In this blog post, JonakyBlog will explore various methods and tools that allow you to watch YouTube videos while gaming, enabling you to enjoy entertainment and gameplay simultaneously.

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How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

#1. Multi-Monitor Setup – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

If you have access to multiple monitors, this is perhaps the most straightforward way to watch YouTube videos while gaming.

With your game displayed on one monitor and the YouTube video playing on the other, you can easily switch your focus between the two.

This setup ensures you don’t miss any critical gameplay moments or exciting YouTube content.

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#2. Windowed or Borderless Window Mode – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

Most modern games offer windowed or borderless window modes that allow you to minimize the game screen and access other applications without exiting the game entirely.

By switching to windowed mode, you can resize the game window to accommodate the YouTube video playing beside it.

However, keep in mind that some games may experience a slight performance dip in windowed mode, so experiment to find what works best for you.

#3. Second Device or Tablet – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

If you don’t have access to multiple monitors, fear not! A second device like a laptop, tablet, or even a smartphone can serve as your YouTube video screen.

Simply prop up your second device next to your gaming setup, and you’re ready to watch your favorite videos while playing.

#4. Picture-in-Picture (PiP) Extensions – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

Certain web browsers and browser extensions offer Picture-in-Picture (PiP) functionality, enabling you to watch YouTube videos in a small, movable window while browsing other sites or, in this case, gaming.

Look for browser extensions like “Floating for YouTube” or “Enhancer for YouTube” to enable PiP mode.

#5. YouTube Mobile App – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

If you’re gaming on a console or your primary device, the YouTube mobile app can be your ally.

Simply open the app on your smartphone or tablet, find the video you want to watch, and activate the PiP mode.

You can then position the mini-player on top of your game screen and continue gaming while enjoying YouTube content.

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#6. Pop-Out Player on PC – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

YouTube on PC also provides a “Pop-out player” option.

Click on the Share button under a video and select “Pop-out” to launch a mini-player that you can move and resize as needed.

This way, you can keep the video visible while gaming.

Conclusion – How to Watch YouTube Videos While Gaming

The art of watching YouTube videos while gaming lies in finding a setup that works seamlessly for you.

Whether you’re using a multi-monitor configuration, utilizing windowed mode, employing second devices, or relying on browser extensions, there’s a solution to suit every gamer’s preferences.

By striking the perfect balance between gameplay and entertainment, you can elevate your gaming experience and ensure that no exciting video or critical gaming moment goes unnoticed.

So, gear up, prepare your favorite videos, and get ready to explore the perfect blend of YouTube content and gaming delight!