Formalistic Approach

How to Write Formalism Approach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Formalism Approach Analysis

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How to Write Formalism Approach – The formalism approach to literary analysis invites us to explore the intricate web of a text’s form, structure, language, and devices.

Unveiling the artistry behind the narrative, a formalism approach analysis delves deep into the author’s deliberate choices and the layers of meaning they construct.

In this blog post, JonakyBlog will provide a comprehensive guide on how to write a formalism approach analysis, breaking down the key steps to help you dissect a literary work and uncover its hidden gems.

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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write Formalism Approach

Step 1: Choose a Literary Work – How to Write Formalism Approach

Select a literary work that intrigues you. Whether it’s a poem, short story, novel, or play, ensure that the text is rich in literary devices and nuances.

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A text with layers of symbolism, imagery, and narrative complexity will offer ample material for a formalism analysis.

Step 2: Read and Re-Read Closely – How to Write Formalism Approach

Embark on close reading journeys of the selected text.

Read it multiple times, each time focusing on different aspects such as language, structure, and devices.

Make notes of intriguing passages, metaphors, and patterns that stand out to you.

Step 3: Identify Formal Elements – How to Write Formalism Approach

Identify the formal elements that contribute to the text’s meaning. These may include:

Language and Style

Analyze the author’s use of language, diction, and syntax. How do these choices shape the overall tone and mood of the narrative?


Examine the narrative structure, including plot progression, point of view, and narrative techniques.

How does the structure contribute to the reader’s understanding and emotional engagement?

Literary Devices

Uncover the literary devices employed by the author, such as imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and irony.

How do these devices enhance the text’s themes and messages?

Step 4: Formulate a Thesis – How to Write Formalism Approach

Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates your main argument about how the formal elements contribute to the text’s meaning.

Your thesis should reflect your interpretation of the author’s deliberate choices and the impact they have on the narrative.

Step 5: Provide Textual Evidence – How to Write Formalism Approach

Support your thesis with specific examples and textual evidence from the literary work.

Quote passages that highlight the formal elements you are analyzing and explain how they relate to your interpretation.

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Step 6: Analyze and Interpret – How to Write Formalism Approach

Analyze the textual evidence you’ve provided, explaining the significance of each chosen element.

Delve into the author’s intentions, the emotions conveyed, and the layers of meaning that emerge from the formal choices.

Step 7: Consider Context – How to Write Formalism Approach

While the formalist approach emphasizes form over context, it’s important to acknowledge the broader context in which the work was created.

Consider the historical, cultural, and literary context that might influence the author’s choices.

Step 8: Conclusion – How to Write Formalism Approach

Wrap up your analysis by summarizing your key points and restating your thesis.

Emphasize the insights you’ve gained through the formalism approach and the significance of understanding the artistry behind the narrative.

Step 9: Proofread and Revise

Proofread your analysis for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar.

Make sure your argument is well-structured and flows logically from one point to another.

Step 10: Finalize Your Analysis

Once you’re satisfied with your analysis, finalize it and consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors for additional insights and improvements.


Writing a formalism approach analysis requires a meticulous examination of a literary work’s form, structure, language, and devices.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to unravel the layers of meaning within the text, providing a thoughtful and insightful analysis that unveils the author’s artistic choices and the hidden brilliance of the narrative.