YSU student portal

[Updated] YSU Student Portal Login 2023 Using ysu.edu.ng

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Yobe State University in Damaturu had set up the YSU student portal, an online platform  designed to help students manage their academic information efficiently. 

Students can log in to the YSU E-Portal, YSU School Fees, and YSU result checker portals by  going to https://ysu.edu.ng and accessing the appropriate pages.  

With the objective to make life smoother for students and free up more of their time for studying  rather than standing in line, the YSU student portal was developed. 

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Tasks That Can Be Completed on The YSU Student Portal 

There are students who may not be fully informed about the capabilities of the YSU student  portal, causing them to seek assistance from others for tasks they could have completed  independently. 

These tasks include activities such as paying school fees, registering for courses, paying  acceptance fees, accessing semester results, applying for transcripts, and paying for  matriculation gowns, among others. 

The YSU student portal offers numerous features and advantages, but some students are  unlikely to be completely aware of them, which might lead them to call for assistance to perform  things that they could have done effortlessly on their own. These features include, among others,  paying school fees, registering for courses, paying acceptance fees, accessing semester  results, requesting transcripts, and purchasing matriculation regalia. 

Login Process for Different Users on the YSU Student Portal 

The YSU student portal is easily accessible to several kinds of users, including the UTME  applicants who selected YSU as their preferred institution during UTME registration, as well as  freshers, returning, and students enrolled in additional programs. Here is a guide on how each of  these users can log in to the portal. 

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YSU Student Portal Login For Fresh UTME candidates 

These steps are exclusive to UTME candidates who chose YSU as their top choice during JAMB  registration or later changed to it and are meant to help them access the YSU E-Portal. It is  recommended for the candidate to follow these steps carefully; 

  1. Visit https://ysu.edu.ng/smis/putme/login.php.
  2. Enter your JAMB/UTME registration number and RRR code. 
  3. Then click the “login” button. 

YSU Student Portal Login for New and returning students This method is only applicable to students who are currently enrolled in YSU.

  1. Visit https://ysu.edu.ng/smis/students/login.php
  2. Enter your ID number 
  3. Enter your JAMB number 
  4. Click login