Game of Thrones is a very popular drama American TV series which started its season one around the middle of 2010.
This awesome series was initiated by two people namely: David Benioff & D.B Weiss. They created it for a well-known American TV network called Home Box Office (HBO).
Game of Thrones as a seasonal movie started as an inheritance from a novel that generally pleased so many people around the world with the name “A Song of Ice” which was written by George R. R. Martin.
From the moment that Game of Thrones season one was released, so many people from around the globe have been interested to follow this seasonal movie up to know the latest update from the producers.
Game of Thrones has 8 seasons with a total of 73 episodes which is an interesting lengthy movie that will keep you entertained.
At the end of the final season which the “season 8” the producers and editorial teams of Game of thrones received 59 Emmy Awards for acting and representing such drama series in the real world.
This amazing movie – Game of thrones depicts all that George R. R. Martin wrote in his book with the name “A Song of Ice” most especially in the storyline.
Their Official Profiles
The producers of this amazing seasonal movie saw how the movie will impact the nation as well as how people will, in turn, get interested in the movie; so they created separate profiles for this special seasonal movie – Game of thrones.
These profiles were created to connect and reach out to people from different social media platforms.

You can get the latest updates concerning Game of thrones in the future by following them on some of these media platforms.
This is their official handles Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook.
Game of Thrones rating and review
Game of Thrones has an average rating of 4.7 out of 16794+ ratings from Google users so far.
On IMDB, Game of Thrones has a rating of 9.2/10 from 1,860,411+ votes that were recorded.
Some of the reviews from its Audience are listed below.
First things first, it’s very geeky. It’s got kings and knights, crowns and swords, dragons and ghosts. Medieval drama is a genre we get precious little of on television (or in movies, for that matter), and Game of Thrones has nearly 10 hours of it. Plus, the series of books…
Between cinematic effects rivaled by even a few movies and other elements, I have yet to see a tv series match it or even come close. Before Game of Thrones except for Breaking Bad and maybe a few other series, very few had kept me glued from beginning to end. It also did what few have done and not only kept you guessing from episode to episode (whether it be who falls in love, who changes from good to evil, who dies, who comes back, new relationships made…
Now and then a particular show or movie comes and grabs the attention of the masses. Game of Thrones is one of those shows if not the show that had me intrigued about what television as a medium could offer and challenge viewers’ expectations. The show aired from 2011 to 2019 and ran for 8 seasons on HBO and has given us some of the most spectacular moments that even most of the mainstream movies fail to do from shocking twists, epic battles to gruesome deaths. The show has elevated television as a medium to a whole new level and is at the same level as movies or even better.
Watch Game of Thrones on YouTube
Where can I watch all seasons of Game of Thrones?
You can freely stream the game of throne on YouTube or from some online streaming websites like Hotstar or Disney.
Game of Thrones season 1
Season one has 10 episodes which come with a separate title for every single episode.
The list of all the episodes in season 1 with their title are listed below:
- S01 E01 – Winter is Coming
- S01 E02 – The Kingsroad
- S01 E03 – Lord Snow
- S01 E04 – Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things
- S01 E05 – The Wolf and the Lion
- S01 E06 – A Golden Crown
- S01 E07 – You Win or You Die
- S01 E08 – The Pointy End
- S01 E09 – Baelor
- S01 E10 – Fire and Blood
Game of Thrones characters
This amazing seasonal movie was acted by specifically 52 characters who contributed to the most significant actions that were carried out in the entire movie.
The characters that contributed to these movies are listed in the table below:
1. Cersei | 17. Margaery Tyrell |
2. Grey Worm | 18. Hodor |
3. Bronn | 19. Euron Greyjoy |
4. Sansa Stark | 20. Jon Snow |
5. Qyburn | 21. Yara Greyjoy |
6. Olenna Tyrell | 22. Tormund Giantsbane |
7. Arya Stark | 23. Ellaria Sand |
8. Daenerys | 24. Tywin Lannister |
9. Littlefinger | 25. Jaqen H’ghar |
10. Davos Seaworth | 26. Jaime Lannister |
11. Missandei | 27. The Hound |
12. Melisandre | 28. Red Viper |
13. Varys | 29. The High Sparrow |
14. Tyrion Lannister | 30. Gilly |
15. Pycelle | 31. Lord Commander Mormont |
16. Brienne | 32. Ygritte, and so many others. |
Game of Thrones is one of the viral videos that trends from the time of its first season production to the last season with more people still searching for it daily.
From their YouTube channel, you can stream all the episodes online without the need to download any of them.