what is Tik Tok

Tik Tok – Read everything you need to know about Tik Tok

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This article contains everything you need to know about the fast-growing social media network known as Tik Tok.

Tik Tok is becoming so addictive because of the kind of attractive and interesting short videos that are being shared on the platform.

It has reached its peak and many users now use it to have fun in their leisure times and also to cast away their sorrows.

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What is Tik Tok?

Tik Tok is a video-sharing app that allows users to share short videos on different topics.

Tik Tok was merged with Musical.ly, which was the former social media platform that allows users to share short videos.

Musical.ly in the previous years was one of the social media platforms that allow users to create short lip-sync as well as comedy videos.

As of August 2018, Tik Tok merged with Musical.ly to create a wider and larger community that allows its users to create and share short interesting videos.

This merging ended the existence of Musical.ly and all its users were migrated to Tik Tok.

Existing accounts and user data were also moved to the Tik Tok database thereby allowing Musical.ly users to continue with Tik Tok without losing any data.

In November 2017, a Chinese company by the name ByteDance purchased Musical.ly which cost them about the U.S $1 billion, which they rebranded as Tik Tok.

Due to the restrictions in China, ByteDance created Douyin, which is the Chinese type of Tik Tok. The purpose for this is because “China is home to about one-fifth of all Internet users globally”.

Brief statistics of Tik Tok

Currently, Tik Tok is been used in more than 150 countries and it has over 1 billion users across these countries.

Download manager shows that Tik Tok is one of the most downloaded apps in the United States of America with over 200 million downloads in the U.S.A alone and over 2.5 billion downloads worldwide.

As of 2021, this fast growing social media recorded over 600 million monthly active users of which about 120 million of them were from the U.S.A.

Tik Tok became so addictive that almost all its active users open the app more than 7 times a day, of which over 80% of all Tik Tok users have created a video on this platform.

Research shows that Tik Tok in a rough estimate has earned up to $500 million in revenue just from the U.S.A alone.

Does Tik Tok differ from Musical.ly?

Tik Tok as a social media is almost the same as Musical.ly but slightly different, in the sense that both allow users to share short videos to the network.

In as much as this, Musical.ly focused on short lip-syncing to music, hence the name Musical.

While it comes with a wide range of features that allows users to combine sound and songs coupled with cool video effects that users can use to edit their videos.

Today it is popularly known as a video-sharing network that one can use to create videos like funny videos, amazing magic tricks, pet videos, etc.

What is the purpose of Tik Tok?

Tik Tok is a fast-growing social network that allows its users to create, share and discover amazing short videos from within the platform.

This awesome social media platform is mostly used by young from the age of 13 to 44, of which 60% are female while 40% are male.

ByteDance initiated Tik Tok to allow young people to freely express themselves by creating short, unique, and amazing videos either from their homes or working places.

The kind of videos that these young people normally share ranges from funny memes, lip-syncing, singing, comedy, as well as dancing, etc.

This community is an open platform in which anyone can join (if it’s not restricted in your country), create awesome eye catchy short videos, and also upload them to your timeline.

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Why is TikTok dangerous?

When you install the app on your mobile device, it usually requests some access; such as media & photo access from your phone.

Security research-based agents recently reported that giving the app access to some of your personal information can be a stand for hackers to attack you.

Tik Tok as a social media will collect some info from your device in other to serve appropriate advertisement to you anytime you log in.

Though you can deny the app access from accessing your device location and your recent activities that you did with your device.

With this info, Tik Tok has some security vulnerabilities in their apps.

What exactly is Tik Tok?

Tik Tok which was initiated by ByteDance formally known as Musical.ly is a fast-growing social media network that allows its users to create, edit and share their short videos with the world.

Users are allowed to create and share an unlimited number of videos to the platform, this video ranges from lip-syncing, funny videos, dance, even music.

Being a social media, many organizations are using this social media to grow their audience massively daily.

The rate that this social media is rapidly growing, in the next coming years it will compete with popular social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

As it is greatly becoming popular every day, its watch time will soon be competing with that of YouTube.

Why is Tik Tok so popular?

One of the major reasons why this social media is very popular today is because it allows users to freely share their short funny videos with the world.

Popular videos trends, dance videos, song videos as well as funny pet videos that are being shared in the platform are another reason why millions of people are rushing after it.

Videos usually create a recursive picture of repeated events in our memory and this is why people are rushing into the platform to know the latest video trend.

I was discussing with a friend and he said that whenever he’s not too happy, he’ll log in to Tik Tok just to watch amazing videos that will make him smile, have fun and be happy again.

In as much as you can share your favorable short videos,it has in-app video filters which will help you to properly edit your videos before sharing them in the platform.

The algorithm that ByteDance Company and its developers used to develop Tik Tok helps the app to find trending videos for people that need it at that particular moment.

Who is the most famous person on TikTok?

Currently, the most famous person on Tik Tok is Charli d’Amelio. She was the most famous when she became the most-followed quality content creator on this social media globally.

Charli d’Amelio is a popular dancer and this helped to boost her social media personally thereby enabling her to have so many people engaged in the short videos that she usually posts.

She became so famous because she has more than 1120 million followers who enjoy the short interesting videos that she shares.

The popularity of this social media makes her famous across the entire globe. She is one of the most beneficial people on the platform because of her dance and the amazing quality short videos that she shares.

The second famous person on this platform is Khabane who has over 85 million followers on this platform alone.

Who uses TikTok the most?

Research shows that people from the U.S.A used Tik Tok more than people in every other country.

Historical data records that this social media has over 80 million active monthly users from the United States of America alone.

Breaking this great number of active users, 60% out of these 80 million users from the U.S.A are female while the rest (40%) are males.

Again it has a high volume of young people that uses the social network.

Up to 60% of active users on this platform range between ages 16-24, 26% ranges between 25-44 years, while the rest are either under or above the listed ages.

What is the average age of TikTok?

Since this social media is dominated by young people, statistics show some estimated range of people’s age that use it.

About 50% of all Tik Tok users worldwide are within 34 years old, and about 33% of its users range between the ages of 10 to 19 years.

Statistics show that each active user spends an average of 54 minutes every day on this platform, trying to find out the trending videos and a whole lot of that.

It has so much influence on adults and from historical data, the number of adults in the U.S.A that were so engaged in it has increased up to 6 times (when compared to other years’ statistics).

How old is Charli Amelio?

Charli d’Amelio is a very famous lady on Tik Tok who was born on 1st May 2004 in Norwalk.

She is currently 17 years old as of 2021. Charli d’Amelio is well-known for her social media personality as well as being a popular skilled dancer in the United States of America.

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What gender uses TikTok the most?

2021 statistics records that among all Tik Tok active user accounts, about 61% are female in the United States alone.

While the rest 39% of active users are male who loves sharing short videos as well as watching such amazing videos on this platform most especially during their leisure time.

What is the dance everyone is doing on TikTok?

The most famous dance that is trending on Tik Tok with over 30 million engaged users that are watching it is “Renegade”.

Renegade is a dancing short video that caught the attention of almost everyone that comes across it. Hence the major reason for going viral on this amazing social media.

This video (the renegade) has been a motivating factor among all Tik Tok users hence this viral video has motivated other users to quality short videos intending to go viral on the platform as well.

Do you get paid for using TikTok?

Depending on the eligibility of your country and upon Tik Tok’s terms and conditions, one can earn money from his/her account.

To be eligible to earn money from your account, you must be at least 18 years old, minimum of 10,000 real followers, you will have at least 100,000 video watches or views in the last 30 days.

Upon reaching these requirements and if Tik Tok pays those in your country, you can apply for Tik Tok Creators Fund directly from the platform (either from the web or from the app).

What are the cons of TikTok?

  • Using Tik Tok can affect your privacy; since the platform collects some of your data.
  • Since it’s an open platform, people can say or write whatever thing they want.
  • Kids and teenagers may be exposed to sexual addicting videos
  • Its videos can take a lot of our time daily
  • It can be a disadvantage to kids’ education.

Why is TikTok so addictive?

Tik Tok became an addictive platform because it allows users to create and share whatsoever thing they want.

The more they create videos and gain more followers, the more they are being addicted to creating more amazing short videos.

People that prefer watching videos to creating video content, the more they watch, the more other attractive videos will be suggested to them.

Hence this results in millions of people spending an average of an hour watching Tik Tok videos alone.

The algorithm that suggests similar videos to its users uses Artificial Intelligence to render videos that you will likely watch as you spend some time on the platform.

Why is TikTok banned in India?

Tik Tok was banned in India because India’s Ministry of Information Technology discovered some harmful effects of this social media on their citizens.

India’s Ministry of Information Technology announced that this social media app is taking over India’s supreme authority over its citizens, hence the ban in the country.

Some of these harmful effects are – being vulnerable to security and selling of citizens’ data without their prior notice.

How does TikTok make money?

Tik Tok has so many ways of making money which include; displaying advertisements to its users.

It allows businesses and companies to place advertisements inside their apps as well as in their short videos that users share.

As of 2020, this wonderful platform released Tik Tok for Business, which gives business owners to book advert spaces and also how they want their advertisements to be displayed to Tik Tok users.

It also makes money through in-app purchases by providing coins. Users can purchase virtual gifts with their coins to show appreciation for some valuable content.

These coins start from 100 to 10,000 virtual coins and it ranges from price 99 cents to $99.99.

Is TikTok a spy app?

Viewing deep on how the algorithm that handles tasks on Tik Tok works, people claimed that this fast-growing social media network seems to spy on its user’s activities to serve the best-related videos and advertisements as well.

Source coders who have taken out time to source code the app reviewed that this social media like every other social media out there collects user data to enhance the user experience for all its users, no matter their country or language.

Although the app will first ask you for permission before collecting any of your data.

You can as well opt-out from some track that is not comfortable with your privacy through the app settings.

Can TikTok steal your information?

Tik Tok will collect your information which includes: your location, your mobile phone number, your contacts, etc.

Concerning your personal information, it will ask for your gender, age, and email address, things that you have an interest in, or what you usually share; such as pictures and videos.

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The essence of this is to keep a record of its user’s data for historical purposes as well as serving ads on the platform.

To some extent, it can be seen as stealing your information while in the web privacy policy, this can be seen as collecting of its user information of which you will be fully aware.

With this information, Tik Tok can be able to track users’ activities on the platform which includes: what they like most, their watch history, average time spent by a user daily, how people find other people’s videos, etc.

Is Tik Tok owned by China? Who owns TikTok?

The fast-growing social media by the name Tik Tok is owned by a Beijing-based company known as ByteDance.

ByteDance is a multi-billion dollars Chinese company that was founded by a 37-year-old man name Zhang Yiming.

This company recorded that Tik Tok is their first foreign-based application; that is a social media application that was highly recommended and recognized by the United States of America and its citizens as well.

Zhang Yiming was recorded in Times magazine as one of the 100 most influential entrepreneurs in the world in 2019.

Should I delete TikTok?

Deleting the Tik Tok app from your device doesn’t mean that you’re free from apps that can steal your information while using it.

The fact that it is a social media means that every other social media out there steals its user information to serve advertisements to its users and generate revenue for the company that owns the social media network.

Any app that requests you to create a profile with them is in one way or the other collecting some of your personal information, and may in return sell your info to a third party company.

How do I watch TikTok videos without an account?

For you to watch Tik Tok videos without an account, follow the steps below:

  1. With your computer or mobile phone, go to https://tiktok.com
  2. Go to the search bar and type the username of the person you want to watch his/her videos
  3. Click on the person profile and go to his/her video timeline
  4. Select your favorite videos and watch

How successful is TikTok?

Tik Tok which is one of the most successful apps from ByteDance has been downloaded more than two billion times in the whole world.

This shows that Tik Tok is one of ByteDance’s successful business ideas globally.

Why is Charli D’Amelio so famous?

Charli d’Amelio is so famous for Tik Tok because she has the highest number of followers on the platform.

Currently, she has more than 1120 million followers on this social media.

You can follow Charli d’Amelio on Tik Tok to watch her amazing videos and to get the latest update from her.

Who Is Charli D’Amelio?

Charli d’Amelio is the most famous and most-followed quality content creator on Tik Tok globally.

Charli d’Amelio has more than 1120 million followers who enjoy the short interesting videos that she shares.

The popularity of this social media makes her famous on the entire globe. She is one of the most beneficial people on this social media because of her dance and the amazing quality short videos that she shares regularly on this platform.

Who is the Queen of TikTok?

Charli d’Amelio who is known as the queen of TikTok is an American social media personality with the most engaged followers on Tik Tok.

Because of her popularity, many magazines tagged her as the queen of Tik Tok.

How much does Charli make?

Currently, Forbes recorded that Charli d’Amelio is the second richest person on Tik Tok with about $4 million total earnings from it alone.

Unfortunately, Charli d’Amelio is not the top Tik Tok user that makes millions of dollars from this social media.

Where is TikTok most popular?

From 2020 statistics, the percentage of people that use Tik Tok was calculated to be up to 66 million monthly active users just from the United States of America alone.

Other analytics also shows that the U.S.A has the largest number of people that use this social media on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Who is the oldest person on TikTok?

Amy Hawkins is currently the oldest person on Tik Tok, as well as the oldest person in Wales.

She became popular on this platform when her great-grandson released a video of her singing and celebrating her 110th birthday.

What is a good username for TikTok?

Below are some good usernames that you can use for your Tik Tok account:

  • @mamag
  • @drunkenmaster
  • @younglad
  • @awesomequeen
  • @betcard
  • Babymama
  • @hotlive
  • @streamme
  • @classiclady
  • @watchme
  • @livingnet
  • @nativedance